What the – where did my week go?

Um. It’s Saturday? I want my week back. Not that I wasted it, really, it just seems like it whooshed by before I could take it in. I mean, I’ve been working – I’ve really been doing a lot for my Christmas crocheting (good thing, too, as we’re halfway through October…). Wanna see?

hunting hat

I made this hat for Greg’s grandfather. It’s a hunting hat, you know, with those earflaps that tie up on top of the head. I used the Deer Stalker Hat pattern from freepatterns.com, and I have to say it kind of sucked. I actually checked my gauge and matched it to the specified gauge, and it ended up being twenty-five inches around. That’s way bigger than a head. I had to redo it, using a smaller hook. Have you ever tried to crochet worsted weight with an F hook? The whole project I had to fight with it a little, because the hook was just a little bit too small to work the yarn easily.

So, when I started on the Perfect Pony that I’m making for Max’s Christmas, and it said to work with an F hook, I said ‘uh-uh-uuuuuuh… I’m using a G!’ So I did. It’s pretty fun, huuuuge, though. I like that, though, it’s cool to make something so large that is neither an afghan nor a sweater. Oh, and the pattern is rife with inaccuracies, miscalculations, typos, as well as at least one flaw (in my eyes) – the body pattern sucks a bit, I’d have made it less…ripply. I noticed it was rippling but hoped that it would even out a bit…by the time I realized it wasn’t going to, I was freaking tired of making the body, so I left it and employed a clever use of stuffing to reduce the ripples. The saddle covers it nicely, as well. If you make this pattern (which, don’t get me wrong, it makes an awesome pony, you just have to be alert to retarded pattern mistakes and be able to adjust it as needed) don’t assume the body will unripple, just go back and increase less. Bleh. So, here is where I am so far:

perfect pony

I have the legs finished (well, one is shy a few rounds, I need to go out and another skein of yarn for about…80 stitches. :P) and I would have them attached but…I ran out of stuffing. 😮 I’ve had that bag of stuffing all year! Apparently the giant stuffed pony uses up a buttload of stuffing. 😆 I’m super psyched, though, both because it looks awesome and because…

Christmas is COMING!

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