The ark is done! And not a day too soon, either…finished to widespread admiration, the ark is of sufficient size to accommodate all of the animals plus Mr. and Mrs. Noah. Yay!

I’ll have the pattern up in a few days, once I have the time and inclination to sit down and type it up.

Here’s another shot of it, as modeled by my patient and poseable sister. 😆
So we had some friends over for cake and ice cream today, Max of course got the chocolate frosting ALL over his face and hands, it was fun. We gave him some ice cream, too, and he dropped a little on his stomach. He got kind of worried about it (so cold!) until I wiped it off for him. Heeheehee. He’s getting better at manuevering while clinging to various objects, too. My little baby’s growing up! *sniff*
Ah, well. I think I’ll take a few days before embarking on my next project – at least long enough to see what’s in the next CrochetMe…*rubs hands together greedily*
Your ark strap is lovely -the whole project came out so nice!! I LOVE IT!!! Great job.
looks great! is this max’s first birthday? mine turned one on may 23rd. time sure does fly!
Looks fabulous! I bet it’s great in action, too. The rainbow is beautiful. Can’t wait to get the pattern!
Hello again,
Do you have the patterns for the animals?