Monday Morning Link Party: IX

Good morning, guys. I’m having fun practicing my Roman numerals with these link parties. Now, be warned: the following picture doesn’t have anything to do with anything, but I am SO PROUD.

Look! Look at it!

I don’t think I have ever in my life EVER had a shaped cake turn out from the pan so cleanly. I mean, honestly. It’s gorgeous. It looked pretty good after I got it frosted, too, but that’s another post. To the links!

I love this Tohoku Tote from I am Momma – Hear Me Roar.

Tohoku Tote from I Am Momma Hear Me Roar

Cheri sold the original tutorial and pattern to benefit earthquake relief in Japan. I haven’t posted about this before, but when we lived in Japan we were actually in the Tohoku region. We moved only 5 months before the earthquake hit, and so we still had a lot of friends living there when it happened. They were far enough from the epicenter that most buildings remained standing, but they were without power for days during a time of year when families still rely heavily on their heaters (because snow is still piled high in most places). So much of the devastation hit close to ‘home,’ in places I have been and some I love, and our area was not nearly as destroyed as some. I just don’t really know what else to say about it.

Moving on.

Oatmeal Apple Cake Cookies from Sugar Crafter

These Oatmeal Apple Cake Cookies from Sugar Crafter look really tasty.

Also, I love how Shanty 2 Chic refreshed an old dining table!

Dining Table Redone from Shanty 2 Chic

It looks so nice. (I’m also a bit envious of that chandelier. And the windows. And that molding. But that’s beside the point.) I’ll have to remember this when ours starts to look old. I kind of hate it anyway, we bought the cheapest big wooden table we could find and it’s sort of dark red wood and has black painted parts. Gloomy!

I think that’s enough for today, don’t you? Let’s link up!

  • I’d love to see something interesting. It can be something you posted or something you ran across, but please link to the specific post instead of a website.
  • Feel free to link to as many as you like!
  • Have a recipe? A tutorial? A finished project? Philosophy on life? Anything? I’d love to see it.
  • Ads, links to shops, products, giveaways and spam will be deleted.
  • Don’t forget to check out the other links and show everyone some love!

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