I Suppose I Might as Well Tell You

Since, given the nature of the blog, you ought to figure it out pretty quickly. When I had my appointment the other day, we had another ultrasound. There was some pretty strong evidence that these babies are…

Two more boys!

Boys! (Yes, we did ask the doctor to double-check. Let’s just say the images were pretty convincing.) We were more surprised than anything else, because we had been so sure that we were getting girls. And I am a bit bummed that I don’t get to make flowers and dresses. AGAIN. But do you know how much knitting I would have to do to outfit two girls in everything I’ve ever wanted to make for daughters? A LOT. Like, an impossible amount. So that’s a bit of a relief. Let me say, too, that the amount of mayhem we expect to have with four boys – so young – is both daunting and really, really exciting. It will be a zoo…and I’ve always loved the zoo.

But! Most of you will have just stopped by for the pattern.

Basic Baby Beanie


  • Lion Brand  Wool-Ease (197 yd/180m
    per 85 g/3oz skein); about 50 yds per hat. Hats shown in Denim.
  • H/8 -  5.00mm hook

Gauge: 12 sts x 10 rows in hdc = 4″

Size: Newborn (to fit approximately 15″ head)


  • ch = chain
  • hdc = half-double crochet
  • inc = make two stitches in next st
  • sc = single crochet
  • sl st = slip stitch

Note: US pattern conventions used.


Do not join rounds.
Rnd 1: Ch 3; make 8 hdc in 3rd ch from hook.
Rnd 2: [Hdc inc in next st] around. (16 hdc)
Rnd 3: [Hdc in next st, hdc inc in next st] around. (24 hdc)
Rnd 4: [Hdc in next 2 sts, hdc inc in next st] around. (32 hdc)
Rnd 5: [Hdc in next 3 sts, hdc inc in next st] around. (40 hdc)
Rnds 6-15: Hdc in each st around.

To finish, sc in next st, sl st in each of next two sts. Finish off, weave in ends.

These hats are very quick to make (I made both of them last night while Greg tried out a new video game), and you could easily make two out of a  ‘standard’ 110-yard skein of worsted.

Watch this space for more baby boy items. :) I’m feeling better.


  1. Bezzie says:

    So I know you’re LDS, but four boys? I think we can get you cannonized! 😉

    Nah, I know I only have 1/2 your brood–but I know exactly the feelings you must have had when they told you it was boys in the pipeline. You’re sad for about 2 seconds…and that’s it! Did your husband say what mine did? “Oh boy! Another boy! Hmm…this means we can still try for a girl…” Ha ha!

    • Linda says:

      This is such a cute pattern; I have made quite a few of them. At first, I was a little intimidated by not “joining” rounds, but find this pattern to be very easy. Oh! If you want to make it really fun, try Red Heart’s “Peruvian Print”; with different “patterns” in the yarn every few inches or so, it “works out” differently each time. :)

      • Shana says:

        Aloha! I’m from Hawaii also. I want to donate hats here in Hawaii. Where do you donate so I can get some idea.

  2. rohanknitter says:

    Wow, four boys! Well, speaking as the mom of 3 boys, you just have to find a way to turn all that energy to constructive use! : ) Frankly, I wonder what in the world I’ll do when they are all gone and I don’t have any helpers around. And I was always determined not to have boybarians and we’ve gotten many nice compliments about them over the years. But you might want to start saving now for your food budget when they are teens – I feel like all I do is shovel food into mine!! ; )

  3. bcbud says:

    Wow. 4 boys. I only had one, so I can’t imagine what you’ll be going through. Everything I did times 4 I guess. Anyway, maybe they’ll have little girlfriends young so you’ll be able to make the girlie stuff. When my son was in kindergarten, he told me that he ” really love Kimberley, I’m gonna marry her someday” When I asked, he said when they got older – what a relief. It was cute. So, if yours start that young, you’ll have lots of girls.

  4. Karen says:

    Our twin boys were a big surprise. Ultrasounds were not routine. It was a wonderful surprise & they joined a sister, 4 1/2 & brother, 3 1/2–yup, 4 kids under 5! Relax, have fun. You will need help!
    You cannot take two infants in car seats even to the doctor’s office by yourself. Friends are very willing to help–let them.

  5. Barbara Martin says:

    Congradulations! I have an only child and 3 grandchildren under 9. I LOVE it when they come over, but so unused to 3 little people going in 3 different directions and talking/asking questions the whole time, it makes me a little crazy. I love to see them coming and I love to see them go home – Can’t imagine having 4 24/7. Sounds like you have the energy to handle it though! You may have to wait (like I did) for grandchildren to have your little girl. It’ll be worth it!

  6. Wanda says:

    Hi honey,
    Thanks for this cute easy pattern. I just made one;took me about an hour. I made it with a little smaller yarn and I think it is perfect for a preemie beanie to donate to the University hospital here. BTW—my daughter is LDS also.

  7. Gloria says:

    I know just how you feel!! Although I did have twins, I did have 3 boys that were all born within 4 years, and already had a 9 year old boy.

    They are all grown now, it was a zoo, a funny farm, lots of tears, fights, bruises, smiles and hugs, and if I could, I would do it all over again!

    Enjoy all the boys, they will be grown and gone before you know it.

    Lots of good luck to you and your family.

  8. Debra says:

    Love your site.

    I know about chaos – My daughter has a 2 1/2 yr old girl and twin boys who will be a year Aug 04. Every visit is a new experience. They seem to get into everything and be every where.

    But I wouldnt trade them for anything.

  9. susanvz says:

    Congratulations in advance. How exciting to be having twins. Another upside for having more boys is that you already have boy clothes to pass down. And there are more and more adorable baby boy outfits to knit or crochet. Best wishes.

  10. robyn says:

    Thank you for your pattern! I am still a beginner crocheter/knitter (mostly scarves haha), and your pattern was SO easy to follow. Thank you again :)

  11. Kimmie says:

    LOL! I have 2 boys(11 and 9) and a girl (6) its azoo yes!! Cuz i always have my neices or nephews … always… 3 neices and 3 nephewws! I keep thema dn then all teh other kids i always have about 4-5 maybe 6 kids a day cuz my best friend has 3 girls , 5, 4 ,3 and tehy love to stay with”Aunt Kim” too! lol! So i know.. i had custody of one of my cousins who calls me momma kim so yes i know it all…. but plz dont tell me teh food gets worse 2 gallons of milk in 2 days 2 loves of bread in one day… 10 packs of snadwhich meat in 3 days and 15 2 liters of cokes nd juice in 3 days… and im wanting another boy .. but hubby got fixed lol! Thanks for the pattern and good lucka dn congrats! I wish i could have another boy :( My nephew was my first boy really he called me momma before he called his mom momma i was a senior in hs too raising him he made me the mom i am today! ;)Thank goodness for little boys! But I love my little girl i prayed for her… i love making her pageant dresses dont know why she likes them but looves them so i give in… but i want another boy…

  12. Twila says:

    Congrats! I had two boys, all grown up now with kids of their own. They were a hand full. My uncle used to say,”With your two boys and your cousins 3 boys, and your other cousins 3 boys, you could have your own baseball team. Maybe you could start your own little ball team. LOL Good Luck!

  13. Sweets says:

    Wow! Congratulations!! Four boys – my, are you going to be busy! Thank you for the lovely patterns, and all the best!!

  14. Liisa Martin says:

    Oh, congratulations!! We wanted twins in the worst way for years. Lost a set after our first daughter and lost one of the twins in another set. But ended up with 10 boys, so we have had an exciting life along with 7 girls!! Just married off daughter #6 and daughter #7 is engaged to be married in March; 8 of the boys are married. So I am always eager to pick up more crochet (and knitting) patterns. Right now I am working on baby socks.

  15. Cindy says:

    Congratulations! And thank you so very much for the pattern. I had my youngest daughter on Valentines day a few years back and they weren’t going to let me keep the crocheted blanket that they put on her in the hospital. So I offered to make and donate 10 crocheted blankets for the one! =) They agreed. Since then I have decided to make holiday blankets with matching beanies specifically for the mom’s to keep =) I’m sure I’m not the only sentimental one out there=) By the way, I have 4 daughters!! So may the forces be with you as well =)

  16. Connie says:

    I have 3 boys and 1 girl and now with my oldest boy having a daughter and his girlfriend having a son and daughter more I have a ton of kids lol! my kids are all teenagers and sheesh the food bill! AND believe me when I say the girls can outeat the boys at some times! anyhow congratulations and enjoy they are grown way before you are ready for it to happen!

  17. Stephanie says:

    Congratulations on the four boys! I have 10 month old twin boys. I can’t imagine having 4 boys around. I’ve been searching for easy-to-make beanies for them.

  18. Peach says:


    Thank you so much for sharing this very wonderful pattern.
    Congrats on your boys! =) I would love to have twins but not as lucky as you are *wink


  19. laurasam24 says:

    when I had twins (boy/girl) a sweet nurse gave them little beanies she had made. now 10 years later I still cherish them and they were part of the impetus to learn to crochet. THanks for your small-sized pattern. I’m making camo ones for all my friends (nothing but boys in the pipeline. I’m latchhooking in straight and textured yarns and adding a couple felted leaves and twigs for true camo look with only a couple hour’s effort.

  20. Kcrystina says:

    Thanks so much for this pattern! I’ve been searching for a basic baby hat pattern and this seems to be just what I’m looking for. I’m going to be using it with the blankets I’m making & donating to the maternity ward at the hospital here.

  21. Dawn says:

    Congrats! Boys are awesome!!

    I love this hat and want to make it but how to do I make it for a 6 month old? I usually stick to blankets so this is new to me.


  22. Patti says:

    Congratulations! Believe me, boys are easier than girls. Have 3 boys and 2 girls. Boys are much lower maintenance. And twins, built in best friend. Most people I talk to say twins are easier than one, because they have each other for company. Best wishes, and God bless all of you. Oh, and thanks for the hat pattern too.

  23. KATHY COLLINS says:

    Relax and enjoy the zoo! I have four grils the last two were twins.Didn’t know how I was going to manage. But I did there were times I just wanted to sit on the floor and cry and more times I just rolled around on the floor laughing till I cried. Would not trade those days for anything. I would do it over again and again if I could. My twins are now 22 yrs old.

  24. Mary Rivera says:

    I’m looking for a pattern for a man’s beanie crochet hat. One like they wore in the Navy. Urgent needs for Christmas gifts,Thanks Mary

  25. pat says:

    Your poor house. Boys tend to be tough on houses and their contents. Don’t think they are less fussy clothing wise-some aren’t. Enjoy them as much as you can they grow up in the blink of an eye. Hopefully your daughter-in-laws will be wonderful.

  26. Vivian says:

    Hi there – God bless you. I havent crocheted in year but I have a new 2 months old grandaughter so I am trying to make something for her. Thanks for the pattern.

  27. Aubrey says:

    Thanks for posting this pattern! Ive made a few hats for my baby due any day now. My 2nd little boy so I know how you feel – I keep telling myself I would be way too busy if this one was a girl having bookmarked dozens of things to make for a girl. Oh, well, maybe one day right?
    I had to use an I hook on the pattern, I crochet so tight but great pattern, thank you!

  28. Kirsty says:

    Hi! Thanks for posting this awesome little easy to make beanie. I’m a photographer, and make all my own props, have plenty of girly ones, but no boys ones..
    Oh, and I know how you feel… I had 5 boys before I got my girl.. and believe me, she’s more of a handful than ANY of the boys ever were :-s 😉

  29. judilee baird says:

    I’ve been searching the internet for an old pattern for a baby sweater that has a zipper going up the back. The sweater has an attached hat. I hope one of you can help me out. Thanks so much, Judi

  30. Rebecca says:

    Thank you for this pattern…I searched and searched for just a simple, easy baby beanie w/o any luck…Thanks for taking your time to give out this pattern.

  31. Rebecca says:

    Tried to edit my post to add your pattern is so simple and easy I’m glad I found this blog. Thank you for blessing fellow crocheters. :)

  32. Brenda says:

    Your right I did pop over from a link on another blog, just to have a quick look a the pattern – don’t even have a baby to knit it for! But I will be staying, I love your blog and am happy I found it xx Good luck, you’ll be fine

  33. Ann Wheeler says:

    I am also LDS, and just lost my daughter at the age of 38, I have been so blessed to have her for 38 years and now she is serving her mission in the spirit world, she has been bless with going thought the Temple here in Houston, I have also been throught the temple and one day her step dad will go with us and be sealed one day, when she meet people she would leave her they allways had a special spirit about her.

  34. Diana says:

    Thanks for the beanie pattern. I have been looking for one for my new grandbaby coming in july-girl(MelodY0. I am the mother of 3 boys and they are rown up now-20, 19, 16 and one daughter 28. it is a joy. Blessings on the new additions.

  35. LinaG says:

    Hi Melissa, I am a beginner crocheter, and I would like to make this hat, but it is not marked how many chains to start with. What do I do?

    What comes before Round 1 ?

    Thank you

  36. Melissa says:

    Hi, Lina! Round 1 is what you start with. When you make 3 chains and then make your hdc in the first chain you made (3rd ch from the hook) then it makes a circle. Try it! I hope this helps you. :)

  37. Hannah says:

    Thank you for the pattern! Right now I’m a live-in nanny for a family with 5 boys, but the 6th is due in a few weeks and I need to make him something :) This is perfect!

  38. Carrie says:

    HI! I came for the pattern and got to read about your new bundles of joy! I am mama to 3 boys and i would love to have another child knowing the odds are aginst me to have a girl..there hasnt been a girl born with the last name Riley( that we know of) since like 1920! good luck with 4 monkeys! I know what its like at the zoo!

  39. Kirst says:

    I need help! This is the first EVER thing I am attempting to crochet, hope I have chosen a good pattern for a first time! I’m pretty sure I’ve figured out Round 1, and have done the ch 3 and 8 hdc’s in the 3rd ch from the hook (all in the same one which coincidentally was my starting loop so I hope that’s right). But, now I’m stuck! What does this even mean?:

    Rnd 2: [Hdc inc in next st] around. (16 hdc)

    I’m failing at this :(

    • Melissa says:

      Hi Kirst! You are supposed to put all 8 hdc in the starting loop. That forms a circle of hdc. Now you will be working into the top of the first hdc you made (this pattern is worked in spirals so you don’t join the rounds), making 2 hdc in each stitch. This is called an increase; 2 hdc in each hdc around = 16 hdc. I hope this helps you!

  40. Heidi says:

    Hi there!

    I’ve made this hat two times I think. Where I’m just starting out I didn’t bother with gauge last time. This time I measured when I finished. I’m fine for 4″ across for the 12sts but when I measure the rows I’m at 5″. Does that matter? How can I fix that?

    • Melissa says:

      What that means is that your stitches are taller than mine. What will happen is that your finished hat will be longer. If you omit the last two rows, it ought to be about as short as the sample hats. :)

  41. becky says:

    Hi Melissa! I love your pattern..the look of hdc is great! I have a 4 month old grand child. How can I adapt yor pattern and make it slightly bigger for him?

  42. marlene says:

    The stitches are super easy but I just keep coming out with a big flat round piece LOL I’m sure i’m doing something wrong but can’t figure it out. I am doing all the rounds as half double crochet (2 in each)…but then when I see the end of the instructions i’m seeing that in Rnd 2 at some point I had to do something in a ST (Single stitch). the only thing I can think is that after I make the 8 hdc in the 3rd ch from hook…I then make a hdc in the 2nd original chain from the hook?..but then that seems like it isn’t right. LOL help? You wouldn’t happen to have a video tutorial of you doing this? I think i’m struggling getting from one row to the other without having a huge flat round piece at the end…at some point does it eventually just fall into a hat shape? meaning I should just keep doing my rounds until it does?
    Thank yoU!!!

    • Melissa says:

      Hi Marlene! The hat does begin as a circle. Rounds 1-5 are just making the circle bigger and bigger. At round 6 you stop increasing, but the circle will grow a little bit for a row or two before it really starts to look like a hat. As long as you’re not adding any stitches after round 5, it should work out!

  43. Virginia Schoonover says:

    I bought one of your leisure arts books # 75271 and am trying to make the hat on page 2 called Basketweave stocking cap. I love the Brim but am having trouble getting into the crown on page 5. Rounds 3-12 tells you to work a linked Double Crochet in next stitch and around. The picture explaining how to do this stitch says to hook into the last stitch made. The last stitch made was the turning ridge and therefor no post to insert the hook into. Is this a mistake in the pattern or what ? Please explain. the basketweave is so pretty I am anxious to finish this hat.

  44. sue says:

    I have one greaT granddaughter and another one on the way your hat is just the thing i needed. One of the little girls nickname is ladybug the other is bee so I’m making the hats to look like abug and a bee. thank you for the pattern

  45. Mary says:

    I have made this hat several times now to donate. My question is, if I want to make this hat larger for various age groups and I don’t have the measurements for their head sizes, is there a “rule of thumb” in measuring widths and lengths?(without having a math degree). In other words, can I increase to a total of 48 or 56sts for an older child/teen? and then, how many rows would I increase for these other sizes? I am not a beginner, but have no one small enough to use as a guide, but would really like to donate for school aged children. (and congratulations!! I am now a great grandmother, but there was a time that I had 5 children ages 5 and under in my household!!)(I would LOVE to be able to go back in time to those days!)

  46. seo says:

    Awesome blog! Do you have any helpful hints for aspiring writers? I’m planning to start my own site soon but I’m a little lost on everything. Would you advise starting with a free platform like WordPress or go for a paid option? There are so many choices out there that I’m totally overwhelmed .. Any ideas? Thanks a lot!

  47. Mary 'Nana' Andrews says:

    I was blessed with 3 girls then God put 2 little boys on my doorstep to raise as children of my heart. Now we are looking at becoming great-grand parents of a little boy we fondly call ‘The King’ right now (due in 6 weeks). This little hat will be a perfect hat to complement the onesie and blanket I crocheted. Just a thought to all who follow you. When you make a hat, never stop at one; there is always enough yarn for at least one more and since TV is a waste of God’s time, make up more for local children’s hospital, shelter, child protective service, etc. They are so needed and appreciated. A word from an old experience Mum – breathe in their exhuberance and exhale with a smile; stay organized (I had a wipey calendar board and bulletin board that saved our lives) and focus on only really important stuff(like raising kids to be responsible, loving, to walk with God, not to fish in the aquarium, keep the freezer door shut, etc.) and the kisses and prayers you share at night will be yours forever. Thanks for sharing a wonderful pattern and part of your special life.

  48. G. Salinas says:

    Hi Meliisa Im having my 3rd boy soon & I love this pattern for a baby hat cause it is so simple, do you have any similar patterns for baby booties? Thanks so much

  49. Lynn says:

    Thank you very much for the patterns. I love using them. Do you have a pattern for a bonet, that you make with small therad? like a 5 or something like that.

  50. Paula says:

    I am making 40 of these hats. Yup, 40! My daughter is doing her clinicals for nurse-midwifery, and there is a tradition that new midwives give hats to the babies they catch, made by their own mothers. Instead of doing just the first baby, I have decided to do all 40. I have made 15 so far. Enjoying choosing colors and trims for each little hat.

    I am a grandma of one human boy, and quite a few dogs and cats. I had three girls followed later by a boy, and every one has been a gift from God.

    Thanks for the pattern!

  51. Jan says:

    Wow, congrats on ALL your baby boys. I had one and was overwhelmed at times. God bless you and the safe arrival of the babes.

    I am a very newbie crocheter, about 6 weeks. I have made many baby blankets to learn stitches and doing well. My problem is reading patterns so I am taking another class with my instructor to learn a simple pattern or two.

    These little hats are adorable. I have two babies to make something for Christmas. This is it! Now I can not see/find how many stitches to cast on to my chain. Help please!

    Jan/Toronto, Ontario, CANADA…………….in the throws of the storm Sandy, winds are very, very high and the rain, oh my!
    Be safe all.

    • Melissa says:

      Hi Jan! Thank you very much. Those two babies are three years old, now, but this hat pattern is still very popular.

      It’s worked from the center out, in the round. You ch 3, and then put 8 hdc in the 3rd ch from the hook. Putting so many stitches in one chain makes it spread out into a circle, then you start working around it. Hope this helps!


  52. laurie says:

    hi i found your site on baby hats. i am new grandma( nanno) i need find site brush up on half dc. i don’)t read patterns . if someone shows me how make the baby hat. do you now a site can show me.
    your sister in church of latter day saints.
    thank you.
    sister jacks

  53. Sharyn Simmons Stoner says:

    Brand new to crochet. Pretty much housebound so I want to concentrate on baby hats and blankets that I can donate. I made 2 baby hats that look more like “toilet paper cozies” :) But I tried, pulled out, tried again, pulled out, and re-tried your pattern above. The third time was a charm. It actually looks like your photo! TA-DA. Thank you for sharing. Going to hopefully stay with this pattern, but keep on trying new projects as well. Thanks again and God bless you and yours.
    ~ Sharyn from PA

  54. Dottie Harvey says:

    Have a new great nephew born inthe coldest time of year so can really use a hat. Most of my hat knitting/crochetting is chemo caps that my sis and I donate to local hospitals and anyone who passes through our world who needs them. I have a similar pattern for them that is made with double crochet. Thought about trying it with single crochet but the half double is perfect! Thank you so much.

  55. nancy7738@msn.com says:

    Can you tell me how to resize this pattern for adults and even larger? In my neighborhood we all have lamp posts with round ball globes that some people have placed crochet hats in Christmas colors, Halloween Orange, green for St Patrick’s day, etc. They look adorable but I haven’t found a pattern to make one the size of my globe… the circumference is 37″ at the widest point, and measuring from top to bottom is 17″. The previous owners left me a Christmas hat but it has faded in our hot Florida sun so I would love to replace it. Can you help please??? Thanks so much.

  56. Juanita says:

    I have a bunch of leftover yarn from making afghans, so I am using them with this pattern to make little hats to donate to the maternity ward at the hospital I go to. This is a GREAT pattern, thanks for sharing it with us!

  57. Ida Simmons says:

    4boys and a girl, what a blessing, I was so happy to have 5 boys, I found out what kept me fat and quit trying for a girl. Like you I was a knitter, crocheter, sewer, etc etc, and also did embroidery. The boys are grown now and have lives of their own. Boys tend to leave it up to their wives to keep in touch, but I know girls must be the ones that keep in touch. I would not give up one day of my life not to have had the boys. There are good days and bad, but in the end, worth all the struggle and late nights.

  58. Shirley says:

    This is a problem I haven’t seen addressed anywhere. I love this baby hat and have made 2 or 3. However, the problem I have is on rows 6 – 15, when I come to the end of the row, it is one row higher than the previous row. In other words, one side of the hat is 7 rows and then at the end of the row, it’s 8 rows. So, when I come to the end of the hat I have to figure out exactly where to stop to make sure all the rows are even. And even then, it does’t come out exactly right.

    I have followed the directions exactly. I like not joining rows, but this is driving me crazy!

    Any ideas?

    • Melissa says:

      Hi, Shirley! You can use a stitch marker to make sure that you end exactly where you started, so that’s one tip. If you have a look at the finishing directions, I have you ‘step down’ from the hdc to disguise the join. (Sc, then sl st 2.) The finished result works for me, I hope it does for you!

  59. Margaret says:

    Is this made with the Lion Brand Thick ‘n Quick wool yarn or the Home Town yarn? Could using two strands of Red heart yarn be used in place of the thicker Lion Brand yarn?


    • Melissa says:

      There are a few ways. You can try increasing your hook size/crocheting looser, using a thicker yarn, or adding more increases to the crown before you begin working straight. Hope this helps!

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