No, seriously, I did. I looked it up in my Ravelry notebook (I never miss a chance to put in a new project there, so it’s not like I missed one) and I have not completed a project since March. Maaaaarch. That, more than anything else, is a true measure of how completely wiped out I have been. At any rate, I crocheted something this weekend.
I had another medical appointment today (since this whole thing started, I’ve had tons) and I had to leave my kids with my friend Julie…once again. She’s been really good about watching them when I have to go in for another test or exam or scan without the tiniest hint of unhappiness or irritation, and I would have had a much harder time without her. Now, one time when dropped off the kids, I brought their supplies in a bag I made last year (but apparently never blogged…curious. At least, I can’t find it, so here it is.)

Anyway, Julie asked me what I would charge to make one for her. HA! As if she’s going to get away with paying me for one of those after she’s spent at least 12 hours watching my children over the last month. So – I made one for her.
Pattern is Econo-Shopper Mesh Bag (free online); I made the large size using a J hook and some Sugar n’ Cream in Cornflower. She liked it! I hope it holds up as well as mine has.
Oooo! Crocheted handles–of COURSE! I’ve made a knit bag like this one, but the handles are always too stretchy. But if I crocheted them–duh!
So – forgive my ignorance but the two bags look like they have different necks – is that just the angle? Mom
Yes, I have them hanging differently.