Thank you,

– Thankyouverymuch. I appreciate the wonderful positive feedback I’ve gotten from everyone and all of the hits that I see I am getting on ICC. (That’s Inner Child Crochet, for those of you who haven’t read the last post. Is it too soon to start abbreviating?) As you will have noticed if you’ve visited on separate days, where once there was one, now there are two pages. Still not much in the way of content, but that should change very, very soon.

As far as craftiness goes, I do have something finished to show for myself:

2 gloves

How do you like that? I finished on Christmas Eve, just in time to sneak them into Greg’s stocking. He’s modeling them above. In this next shot, I guess he thought it would be funny to…

2 gloves (1)

Er, I’m not sure, exactly. Is he trying to make it look like he has two right hands, or that I made two right gloves? :)

That’s pretty much it for now, though. I’ve been working on my site. I’ve also decided to put a little time into another hobby of mine: photography. I’d like to think that the photos on this site have at least an aspiring artistry to them, perhaps you’ve noticed. Maybe not. At any rate, good night, and happy new year!



  1. Abi says:

    Oh my Gosh!!! I’ve missed so much. Darn holidays always getting in the way. Those gloves look great. I love that your husband want to show them off.

    You remind me of myself. I was feverishly sewing up my husband’s and my PJ bottoms Christmas Eve. I finished them that morning, quickly wrapped them and stuck them under the tree.

    I’m looking forward to your new site. So excited for you!!! :smile:

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