I’m back, and I’m exhausted

We did it. We moved. It’s a nice place: we’ve upgraded from an apartment to a townhouse, with an upstairs and a downstairs, a front door and a back door, a little yard, a little shed, many more closets than we had before, and some nice neighbors. We’re quite pleased with it.

The move itself was not pretty – two pieces of furniture were damaged, another destroyed (our dresser drawers are even now sitting in two stacks on the bedroom floor), and one of the very polite women who packed our belongings actually stole four of my spoons. It’s a nice set, a wedding present, and I was so angry I cried – I’ve never lost a piece, even though this is our third move, and I’ve always taken good care of them. We’re going to get paid to repair and replace the furniture, of course, and the spoons, but I’m still puzzled as to why someone would steal four spoons. They are nice, solid, hefty pieces – perhaps she thought they were silver (not a very experienced thief?), in which case they would have been worth nearly 175 dollars, instead of less than 50 brand new. (I’m having a hard time finding a replacement estimate by myself, but from what I can tell, less than 50 dollars is a good initial guess.) Perhaps she was expecting to steal some Christmas presents, and was dismayed to find that our easily steal-able valuables had already been packed away (so we thought – who steals stainless steel spoons?) and so took what she could get. Maybe she steals silverware from all her moving jobs, and sells them on ebay as replacement pieces – maybe she just liked them.

All I know is, I’m super-pissed.

In other depressing news, I ran out of yarn for Genevieve again, with only about 6(?) rows left to do on the last cuff. This is ridiculous. I’m never going to be able to find another ball of the dye lot I need, so I get to go yarn-store hopping looking for a near match. Fabulous. Good news for you guys, though, the pattern is complete (at least in my size) so until I can go on that yarn hunt (sometime next week, perhaps?) I’m going to work on altering it for various sizes so that it can move forward to testing, and then selling (I’m excited about the selling). Maybe things will look up a bit. :smile:


  1. cecily says:

    hi! thanks for commenting on my bloglisting at crochet me! so now i’m making good and commenting here to say hello.

    are you in texas? where?

    i’m from texas myself…

  2. Roe says:

    I am glad to see that you are trying to focus on the postitive. It does amaze what people will take. How nice to spend the holidays in you your new house.

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