Check out the newest additions to Noah’s cargo – here we have the completed monkey pair

followed by our wonderful dove.

Don’t worry, the relative sizing of the photos are off – the dove isn’t that big. 😆
So – how ’bout that new Harry Potter book? I really liked it. Good stuff. Whoo boy, what a shocker at the end, huh? More than one, actually…we’ll just have to see how things go in the last book, eh?
Ark-watch, 9 days remaining: Still to do – 1 giraffe, and the ark itself. I’m really excited to get to the ark, as I’m designing it myself, so hopefully I’ll get cracking on that giraffe so I can start!
LOVE the monkeys! The sheep was also a favorite, but I think I’m inspired to make my boyfriend a pair of monkeys for our anniversary. (Maybe one as a hear no evil, one as a speak no evil? Hmm, needs more thought) Your blog always cracks me up! Good luck on the ark!
cant wait to see the finished product, super job!
Way to go on the monkey (can you tell that I’m obsessing about these monkeys?? Every time I look at /think about them the song from Aladdin pops into my head – “He’s got the monkeys, let’s see the monkeys”) 😆
Can not wait to see the whole gang together once you finish that poor last Giraffe and lets not forget the Ark!
Hi! I just found you through Isis ( Love your site!
And the animal’s are so cute. Good job!