Yet Another Birthday

My darling Charlie turned five this week.

Seen here, cheeks full of excess pie dough.

We made a blueberry pie for his birthday. He’s going to have his fancy frosted birthday cake at his party, so he picked blueberry pie. As you can see, we still fixed it up to be awesome.

Balloons. Candle. Five.

Tip: candles don’t stand up very well in a still-sort-of-warm blueberry pie, even when you poke them through the crust. Sing fast.

Actually, I don’t think I’ve ever made a blueberry pie before. If I ever have a bunch of blueberries, it’s usually cobbler or blueberry buckle around here. Still, it turned out really well. I used this recipe, and Greg went on and on about how it was the best pie crust he’d ever had. (The recipe says to brush egg over the top crust and sprinkle it with sugar. Tasty and pretty darn easy.)

We had a lot of fun, but one of my favorite surprises of the day was something we haven’t done before. The night before his birthday I blew up a ton of balloons.


Tommy and Teddy helped.

Then we tied a bunch of them across his bed and piled the rest of them on the end.

Happy Birthday, baby!

He was so surprised when he woke up, but he was grinning right away. And isn’t that what birthdays are about?


  1. Jessica says:

    I love the photo of Charlie still sleeping with all those ballons over his head – must have been a real surprise… I wonder if I would scare my own little soon to be 3 year old silly if I tried something similar for him?

    • Melissa says:

      I was worried that the balloons moving around would scare him awake at three AM, and my husband was worried that we would somehow smother him with the balloons, but neither of those things happened and it seems to have had the desired affect. :)

  2. Gina says:

    I think that is such an awesome idea and I can only imagine how much fun it would be to wake up with a bunch of balloons all over me! You guys are great parents and I’m sure he will remember that forever!
    Your little boys are so adorable and I can’t believe how much the little ones have grown from some of the first pictures on your site. I feel old now.

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