Check it out! A pattern release!

I am delighted to announce that there is a new addition to the Inner Child Crochet pattern store for the first time since….uh….let’s not get into that. I’m cheating just a little bit; Sweetbrier

Sweetbrier crochet hat pattern

has been available in my Ravelry store for a few months, but I never got around to adding it to my site. Imagine that! Don’t forget; the ribbing on this hat is not knitting, it’s all done in slip stitches and it looks divine. It’s so pretty and stretchy, I just love it!

Also, I spent a few hours yesterday mucking around in my FTP and I fixed that annoying coding error that you may have noticed if you visited my site any time in the last three months. I know. I know. I’ve been a little busy.

Anyway, if you’ve been waiting on this hat, head on over, and don’t forget! Use the code 4YEARS and you can get it for 10% off!

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