Remember me?

Things are fine here, by the way. I mean, after Greg left I spent the first week eating chocolate and watching old episodes of Ugly Betty on the internet, but we’ve got a lot of support and we’re settling into a rhythm that’s just for the three of us. (Of course, Greg will be coming home for a few weeks before leaving again, which should be just enough time to make the first separation a wash, as far as adjustment goes.)

Anyway, there’s a lot that’s happened, but I’m not in a mood to summarize. I just popped in to show off something I finished.

I finished it!

It was almost completely finished three weeks ago, to be honest, but I couldn’t decide what to do about closures, got frustrated and annoyed, put it down, something got put on top of it…I pulled it out yesterday and realized that I had the buttons for it. (10 buttons for 100 yen! Although I only used seven. Nice heavy metal-feeling ones, too, not plastic. I don’t know what they’re made of, due to my limited Japanese…but I don’t care. They’re nice.)

And a view of the back...

The fabric is just slightly lacy, it fits nicely, it was fast (excluding the 3-week hiatus), it was made from inexpensive stash yarn (Caron Simply Soft), it’s warm: it will be excellent for “chilling” around the house this fall. :)

Button, button, who's got the button?

All in all, a very satisfying project.


  1. Leslie says:

    Man that’s really cool. I love the classic styling. I’m going to study your pictures and see If I can make my own. Thanks for posting pictures, I just love that sweater.

  2. Abi says:

    I love Ugly Betty, that’s what I would watch if I was missing my hubby plus a few other shows. Your sweater looks awesome!

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