Things are fine here, by the way. I mean, after Greg left I spent the first week eating chocolate and watching old episodes of Ugly Betty on the internet, but we’ve got a lot of support and we’re settling into a rhythm that’s just for the three of us. (Of course, Greg will be coming home for a few weeks before leaving again, which should be just enough time to make the first separation a wash, as far as adjustment goes.)
Anyway, there’s a lot that’s happened, but I’m not in a mood to summarize. I just popped in to show off something I finished.

It was almost completely finished three weeks ago, to be honest, but I couldn’t decide what to do about closures, got frustrated and annoyed, put it down, something got put on top of it…I pulled it out yesterday and realized that I had the buttons for it. (10 buttons for 100 yen! Although I only used seven. Nice heavy metal-feeling ones, too, not plastic. I don’t know what they’re made of, due to my limited Japanese…but I don’t care. They’re nice.)

The fabric is just slightly lacy, it fits nicely, it was fast (excluding the 3-week hiatus), it was made from inexpensive stash yarn (Caron Simply Soft), it’s warm: it will be excellent for “chilling” around the house this fall.

All in all, a very satisfying project.
Ooh nice! I like that you put more than 5 buttons on it. Dunno what’s up with that trend. The more the merrier! It looks great. Cornflower blue is good on you.
Very nice, you look so good, and your home too. You take after the photographer side of the family. mwah
I love it! And you can’t go wrong with SS!
Man that’s really cool. I love the classic styling. I’m going to study your pictures and see If I can make my own. Thanks for posting pictures, I just love that sweater.
I love Ugly Betty, that’s what I would watch if I was missing my hubby plus a few other shows. Your sweater looks awesome!