My Dad went to the Michael’s up by him. Again. And found a skein of Wool-ease in the appropriate color and dye lot for me. Again! And once again, the long sought-after yarn is winging its way to me in a package. (I’m pretty sure Emily was involved again. Thanks to you, too!)
I swear this should finish the sweater.
I tried looking in yarn stores around here, but they all have the dye lot that was shipped after the one I used. It’s not a good near-match, having a decidedly gray undertone that clashes visibly with the creamy overtones of the lot I’m using. (I think my lot is prettier. :grin:) I will be soooo relieved to have Genevieve completed.
Which brings us to the question, will I ever use dye lotted yarn again?
I’m sure I will, many if not most of the nicer yarns are done in dye lots. I just need to make sure they have enough in one dye lot before I buy any. That’s a little trickier when designing, as I’m not sure how much I’ll need. My initial estimate on Genevieve was 7 3-oz skeins (Michael’s only had 5, I should have held out…) which proved to be just barely inadequate. The wide ruffles consumed more yarn than I had supposed. Still, though, I’m sure there are good uses for one or two extra skeins of various yarns. That sweater in the December Crochetme, for instance, although I don’t plan to make it.
Anyway, I’m so pleased to have this yarn issue (which has been going on for MONTHS) resolved so happily. Although I’m sure that no one will believe me until I post pictures of the FINISHED sweater.
Hooray for the soon-to-be-finished Genevieve! Your dad is truly awesome
Happy stitching!
That is SOOOOOME Sweater. I really like it. I am hoping you can make the pattern into a 2X size, and give a hint what to do for a short-torsoed female!.
LOVE it> Maae