I designed a sweater!

Please, excuse me while I – w00t! w00t! *happydance* 😀 😀 😀 Yaaaaaay!


I designed a sweater! It’s for Max, of course, and I <3 it, in the <3-iest sense of the <3. Click on the pic for a larger (albeit slightly fuzzy – the sun’s not out today) view.

finished sweater

Aaaand a closeup of the detail:

green man sweater closeup

I’m calling it the “Green Man” Sweater, as the design was inspired by both the yarn itself and Someshta, the last known Nym in Randland. Uh, you can look here if you’re confused.

Here are two shots of the sweater (jacket?) being modeled. It’s a smidge big on him – it reminds me of a huge, bulky, green fur coat.

modeled sweater

sweater modeled

Greg says that it looks like something an elf would wear. Heehee. Hopefully, a matching hat will follow…


  1. Mom says:

    the sweater is cute, not as cute as your little man, but cute. I’d say Put some clothes on that baby, but I’ll bet it isn’t brisk and breezy there:wink:

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