Hey, Look What I Found!

Pumpkin hats!

Wow. They're huge.

Look at those pumpkins straining around those melons.  These boys sure have grown. Just a refresher, three months ago this was them:

Aww. :(

I know I’ve used that picture this week already, but really.  They’ve grown so much. I am so thankful that they’ve had almost no problems leaving the NICU behind them and turning into big, strong, healthy (and occasionally cheerful) baby boys. Sigh.

Also, as an aside, I’ve decided on blog names for them (finally). I’ll be calling them Tommy and Teddy, in remembrance of a pair of names that got nixed at a very late date. So…Max, Charlie, Tommy, Teddy – it’s like my alternate-reality family!


Teddy has opinions.


  1. Abi says:

    Ha ha, that was my same thought too. I really thought those were their real names. I still can’t get over how fast children grow. It’s amazing.

  2. Kelli says:

    Hi Melissa,
    I love the pumpkin hats. I am looking for a pattern. Do you have this pattern?
    Thanks so much and have a great weekend.

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