How is this too much to ask for?

I am so tired. All I want – really, all I want! – is for my sink to drain, my toilet to stop filling without manual intervention, my son to take his nap without angrily channeling Max from Where the Wild Things Are, the ants that Will Not Die despite numerous poisonings NOT to eat my toothbrush (seriously, my TOOTHBRUSH, there were 50 of them on and about my TOOTHBRUSH, and not touching another thing in sight), my period NOT to bleed through to my clothes, the rogue eyelash to get out of my eye, and my headache to quit. And a nap. Oh, sweet heavens, I want a nap.

At least I found my G-hook today, so I can make the button loop for my sarong, the last step (aside from sewing on the button, of course) before completion. I decided against the drawstring. It just doesn’t work for me. At any rate, the hook was in the cushions of the loveseat (of course) which, incidentally, I was digging in because my husband cannot find his keys. We have two sets, of course, but mine only have car and house on them. His keys have our only mail key, as well as the key to a storage area that he needed to get into at work today. And since his keys are Not To Be Found, his boss had to come in on his day off to unlock it. So darling hubby is having a bad day, too.

The baby-yelling from the back of the apartment has stopped, now, so I think I’ll go grab a handful of chocolate chips, lay down, and cry a little.


  1. jana says:

    melissa, i feel your pain……i have a 13 month old and i look after another 13 month old 4 days a week. i dont have ants on my toothbrush nor a plugged up toilet. i am however undergoing a caffeine withdrawl fit as i ran out yesterday and forgot to pick some up! 👿 hope it gets better at your place:mrgreen:

  2. Esther says:

    I haven’t laughed so hard in months! This post was fantastic! I couldn’t have said it better myself, I felt as if you were talking for “ME” girl!! Hilarious!

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