Busy, busy, busy

Well, I’ve been really busy lately. Since Greg broke his hand, that means he can’t drive. Therefore: anywhere he needs to go, I drive. Needless to say, we’ve been out of the house a lot over the past two weeks. I’d like to apologize to the great number of people waiting for replies from me. However, I have done a bit of knitting (in the car. While waiting, not driving). Since we’ll be moving soon (to Japan), in the winter, to a place where it actually snows (Japan) I thought it would be fun to start making cold-weather gear for the family. You know. For snow (in Japan!). I started with Charlie, as he’s the smallest.

sea blue mittens

Mittens! How cute is that? Little, bitty, stripy mittens. I cast on for the second one instead of finishing the thumb on the first because I was at the perfect spot in the color repeat to have matching stripes on both of them. Pretty sweet, huh? I’m using Ann Budd’s basic mitten ‘recipe;’ in Lion Brand Magic Stripes on size 1s. Max is due for a similar set, and I’ve ordered some yarn to make each of them a sweater. Lemme tell you, this is gonna be fun.


  1. ~Viv says:

    Those are so adorable! How cool that you get to live where it is cold enough to actually wear your handknits for quite some time. I need to get out of the desert.

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