2-Ingredient Homemade Mod Podge

I recently covered a composition notebook with duct tape to make a journal, because I didn’t have any mod podge, and also I had no idea how to mod podge and honestly I thought it was easier to just stick to something I already knew.

But where’s the fun in that?

We had an activity at church where we used mod podge, and what do you know! It’s not that hard after all! (I guess all of Pinterest can’t be wrong, and I should really stop doubting them.) So, when I needed to cover another notebook, I decided to use mod podge! The only problem was, I didn’t have any.

If you don’t have any either, don’t worry! All you need is some white Elmer’s glue and a brush, and you’re in business.

2-Ingredient Homemade Mod Podge

First, combine roughly equal amounts of glue and water. Exactly equal proportions gave me runnier ‘mod podge’ than I wanted, so I added extra glue.

2-Ingredient Homemade Mod Podge

To use, brush your mod podge onto the exterior of the notebook, apply your paper (I received a random flower bulb catalog in the mail, and I decided to use it to cover my notebook – thin, magazine-type paper tends to wrinkle when mod podged, if you don’t want wrinkles choose thicker paper), and then brush mod podge over your paper. Make sure you leave about an inch of extra paper around the edges to fold over and leave a finished-looking edge.

Let it dry. This is one of the most important steps, and one of the hardest to do. I was impatient.

2-Ingredient Homemade Mod Podge

Once it has dried, apply some mod podge to the edges of the inside cover and fold the paper over onto it. Apply mod podge over the top of it. Let it dry.

I covered the spine with a strip of white duct tape so it would be smooth and flexible. Done! Isn’t it pretty?

2-Ingredient Homemade Mod Podge

In case you’re wondering, I covered this notebook to be a happiness journal. To write your own, every time something good happens in your life or something makes you happy, record it in your happiness journal. It’s a great way to notice the blessings in your life and focus on the positive!

One comment

  1. Lorel says:

    Looks nice. Do be careful with it, I dont know if regular mod podge does this or not but good ole’ Elmers will get white and goopy if it gets wet ( has a glass set on it for a while).
    Enjoy your journal.

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