It’s time for Crochetvolution again! As I was putting together the issue this week, I noticed something peculiar. I was editing pattern…after pattern…after pattern, but – none of them were from me. For once, I was able to completely fill an issue without having to pitch in even one pattern to make weight. WOW! That is a far cry from the first issue, which boasted six patterns…five of them mine. I was really hoping that this was going to be our biggest issue ever, but we missed it by one and tied with Summer 2012 as the biggest issue.
There is a lot of fun content in this issue (which you should totally check out), but if you want to see something from me you should read An Afghan for Daisy, an article about an experience I had this summer.
Since I didn’t have to do any last-minute designing this week, I’m really in the mood to crochet something! My yarn had better look out!
Great issue Melissa, I can see it’s going from strength to strength

Sarah Jane recently posted..Crochetvolution
Thank you Sarah! It’s really exciting to see it grow!