Monday Morning Link Party: XII

Good morning all! I have a new pattern!

It's a flat hat!

It’s a flat hat! One of the easiest ways to crochet a hat…ever. Basically, you crochet a rectangle, seam it up, and put it on your head. I’ve sized it for toddlers and children, so now you too can put rectangles on the heads of people too young to resist you. What? It’s cute!

There were a lot of nice autumnal links this week. We checked the weather at family’s house last night and Greg said, “It says it’s 54 degrees there right now. That can’t be right, can it?!” I reminded him that it’s October (everywhere but here) but he was still blown away. In case you were wondering, we’re still aggressively air conditioning here during the day, but we don’t have to have it on at night which is going to make a HUGE difference on the electric bill, I can tell you.

…Where was I? OH, right – fall! These beautiful fall centerpieces collected at Under the Table and Dreaming, for instance.

Fall centerpieces from Under the Table and Dreaming

I think I’ll just enjoy the pictures, though. I’ve seen what this weather does to pumpkins and gourds, and it’s not pretty. Eww.

Next up: Pumpkin Cinnamon Streusel Pancakes (?!?!) from Two Peas & Their Pod.

Pumpkin Cinnamon Streusel Pancakes from Two Peas & Their Pod

I can’t believe I just wasted the last of my fresh pumpkin on a stupid pie. Ah well! Pie pumpkins are only $1.49 at the store, haha!

While we’re on the topic of food, check out these Popcorn Ball Jack O’Lanterns from A Heart Full of Love.

Popcorn Ball Jack O'Lantern from A Heart Full of Love

They look pretty tasty and if we made these my kids would go nuts. Plus, the pretzel rod would make a great handle!

Finally, check out this Big Snowy Owl from the Purl Bee.

Big Snowy Owl from The Purl Bee

They used giant yarn, which would make it go faster, but that is one giant stuffed owl. It’s cute too!

Whew! Well, ready to link up again?

  • I’d love to see something interesting. It can be something you posted or something you ran across, but please link to the specific post instead of a website.
  • Feel free to link to as many as you like!
  • Have a recipe? A tutorial? A finished project? Philosophy on life? Anything? I’d love to see it.
  • Ads, links to shops, products, giveaways and spam will be deleted.
  • Don’t forget to check out the other links and show everyone some love!

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