
Do you remember when I posted about whoopdwhoop? (To sum up: it’s a site where you can swap your handmade things for points to “buy” handmade things from someone else.) Yesterday I received my first item through the site.


Thanks Alicia! Isn’t it cute? (The half-used crayons are ours, Max insisted on filling the whole thing up as soon as I explained what it was for.) It’s just like something I would make for my kids, if I had my sewing machine unpacked and could sew much more neatly than I do. Completely filled, it rolls up to be bigger than a cell phone, but smaller than a soda can – the perfect size for slipping into my purse for entertaining the kids on the go.

If there's one thing I can do, it's tie a bow!

As you can see, the back is made of an adorable circus fabric to coordinate with the circusy words on the inside:

It's the circus!

Interested? I was initially dubious about the format, but it seems to be working very well. Now that more people are joining, there’s a larger variety of items there, too. Come check out the things I’m offering to swap! (I really need to list a few more pieces.) Don’t have an account? Sign up here!

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