Well, believe it or not, we’re not settled yet. We just finished a visit with my parents (where they still rely on … dial-up…) and we’re not through with the relatives yet. In only a few short days, though, we’ll be headed to Arizona!
While we were staying with my parents we kicked my little sister out of her room, and one night while I was looking for an extra blanket I ran across something delightful:

Now what, you may ask, makes a vacant-eyed doll in an ill-fitting crocheted dress delightful? Well, I made it, that’s what. Probably – although I cannot remember for sure – more than a decade ago. You see, I wasn’t always the brilliant pattern designer I am now. (Wink wink, nudge nudge.) When I first started making my little crocheted creations for 4-H, my mother – the only crochet instructor I had – told me how to make the shapes I needed. If you need it wider, add more stitches. If you need it narrower, skip some stitches. And, if you want ruffles – just keep adding more and more and more stitches. I credit my mother’s instruction for my ability to design; after all, it’s what I spent my first crocheting years doing!
Anyway, when I left home to attend college I gave this doll (along with a sizable and stylish wardrobe) to my little sister, who has kept it all these years. Awww.
Hee hee! They “knew you when”!
Your doll is truly delightful and her dress is wonderful – you were destined to be a designer! Love your work!