For all of those who have been simply quivering in anticipation, you need quiver no longer! You can now buy the pattern for Silly Monkey here!

You know you want it. In other news, I finished my project. It’s a macaw!

You may, perhaps, have guessed that. Did you also, however, guess that it was a hand puppet?

Nothing fancy like Chaco, just a simple hand puppet (thumb and pinky in the wings, other fingers in the head) creatively executed. I like it very much. It’s bright and very cheerful. I also had rather a hard time getting a good picture of it. I’m going to have to get Greg or Wren to help with the pictures for the pattern.
Very cute on both counts!
CUTE!! I especially love the puppet! You are talented!
They are both SO cute!!! Very creative!!
We need to see your little friends face! Love Mom
Awesome animals!
Love the Monkey Melissa!!! Keep up your creative designing!
Will the pattern for the handpuppet be avaliable soon? I love it:grin: