So, Inner Child Crochet has a new entry page. It serves a bit more of a purpose than the previous one. In the three months or so since I made it, I slowly developed a distaste for a homepage that says nothing but ‘come in.’ It got to the point that whenever I linked somewhere, I linked to the ‘welcome‘ page, instead of the homepage, and that should tell you something. Now it fits more closely with the style of the rest of the site, and I’ve added thumbnail links to new and favorite patterns. I like it. I’m gonna work on it. This month will be a little different in terms of updates: anything I’ve got I’m going to put up as soon as it’s ready. Why? Hmmm… I’m hoping to get some new visitors soon. We want things to look nice for new visitors, don’t we?
Anyway, I finished something I designed for Max this morning.

How cute is that? It’s a ‘sock puppet’ style snake. He’s been using a regular sock for a snake, and I thought I’d make him a real snake in an attempt to get it back. I probably should have made it a little longer in the hand, but it fits and he likes it, and that’s what’s important, yes? It’s a simple design, but I’m pretty proud of it (especially the tongue shaping!) since it’s what I meant to do and my first knitted toy. It’s actually also my first knitting project made with more than one color. Here’s hoping the tongue doesn’t fall off.
For the record, Red Snake and Blue Snake got along beautifully.

I like your new welcome page. It looks really good!