Updates of Various Types

Cashmere count so far: 752 yards.

3 hanks

Greg gently reminded me that prior to the sweaters, I had been knitting a glove for him. And I am! Have been. Er, started again once he mentioned it. And look! Two and a half fingers done.

glove 2 in progress (2)

Curtains: I’ve managed a grand total of one more curtain since Thanksgiving (one of the two-panel plaid ones, just like this one, so no new picture for you – besides, it’s not up yet…) and it was this week. That’s only four windows to go.

FO update: remember this sweater? Guess what –


– it fits. It fits beautifully, and (precisely as I planned, muahahaha) just in time for the alleged ‘winter.’ I mean, look at that cute little boy with those cute (strangely hobbit-like) feet, playing with his cute little toys in his cute little sweater that I made and it fits and it looks lovely – dang. I’m gonna have to knit some more baby things.

Hrm, let’s see, what else…oh yes! Presents! We’ve put off wrapping them (did you know that today’s the 23rd? I think someone stole a week from me somewhere…) and it turns out, our wrapping paper was misplaced during the move. Who knows where it is now – the point is that I had to go out on December 23rd and try to find Christmas wrapping paper. I was a wise woman, and settled for a roll of white and some swag.


Max has been ‘helping’ me wrap them – thank heaven he doesn’t know about peeling the back off of the bows. I actually quite like the look of the white paper with ribbons and bows, and we may do it again on purpose some time.

Anything else? No? Are we good? Well, if you’ll excuse me, I think I’m going to go teach my little boy how to use a cookie-cutter.


  1. mom says:

    Arg! How do you have so much time this time of year?! I snuck up and out of the house before 7 this morning and went to my mom’s and sewed pretty well straight through until 5:30, now the cinnamon rolls are rising & we have cakes, pies & cookies to make for visiting & stuff. AAAAH! I can’t wait for boxing day to rest! 😮

  2. Abi says:

    Awww, cutest baby ever. The sweater looks great on him. Is he yours? I just love the wrapping job. I was thinking if my 3-year-old was “helping” me that it would look a little crazier than that.:razz:

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