I bring you online quizzes! Seriously, I’m not doing that badly. I’m only a little behind. And I do apoplogize for the dearth of yarny content, but 1)I’m not doing that much, what with the writing, and the packing, and the children and 2)what I am working on is a gift. Or will be, if I ever, ever, ever finish it. And yet, to give you something to read, dear reader, as you sit at the computer procrastinating your own novel, or blog post, or sweater, or whatever (my, November’s gotten full, hasn’t it?) I just keep posting random stuff.
I followed a link from the Knitty Coffeeshop to the Commune of Knit, where the most recent post involved her results for a quiz, “What Famous Leader Are You?” She got Hitler. Now, if that doesn’t make you curious to take the quiz…you’re just lying, aren’t you? You can pick the number of questions to answer (remembering that it’s more accurate with more questions) and, given my short attention span, I chose the lowest number first.

What Famous Leader Are You?
personality tests by similarminds.com
HA! Take that, high school football players – apparently I really am Einstein. And you thought it was a derogative. Tsk, tsk.
Of course, given that answer on a nine-question quiz, I couldn’t just take it at face value. I took the 18-question quiz and got this result:

What Famous Leader Are You?
personality tests by similarminds.com
Hmmm. Then, of course, I took the 27-question version, and the 45-question version, and I got Einstein both times (Lincoln was a fluke! But not an unflattering fluke…). This, of course, begs the question – what kind of responses label you with a Hitler personality?
I got Ghandi. Hm. I’m not sure how that happened. “Emaciated do-gooder” Ha ha! Surrrre!
I got Mother Teresa! Go figure! 😀