I made this sweater months and months ago, and today I finally had the chance to take some pictures of it on Charlie. You will now be subjected to several photos before I resume typing. Can I get opinions as to which one shows off the sweater (and the baby!) to best advantage?

Awww, he’s so cute. He did not appreciate being my model. I may have to reshoot the pictures when he’s in a better mood, or I have better lighting (it’s very gray here today). When I typed up the pattern for the Renaissance Rose Cap, I ran across my notes for this cute little baby sweater and remembered that I had meant to type it up. I’m going to be working on that over the next week, I think.
And although this post has been very light, I could not write today without acknowledging the 5th anniversary of the attacks of September 11th, 2001. Greg and I have spent the morning watching specials on the history channel and discussing how it affected us, what we remember. In a strange way, instead of growing less disturbing to me as time passes, I find what happened that day more disturbing now than I did on the actual day that it happened. The grief and loss that thousands suffered, the callousness and hatred that would allow someone to cause so much pain and death and anguish – it hurts. Between that and the heroism and love for fellow man that was revealed in those who made an effort to save others from the destruction, I’ve been in tears this morning. Life is short, the world is hard. I love my husband, my babies and my family.
It really makes you think about what’s important.
He’s cute, the sweater is cute…cuteness all around
Oh my stars, he is adorable.
I think the second one shows off both baby and sweater beautifully…he looks very pensive in that one!
I like picture 1 and 2 better! Nice sweater and cute baby!
OOOOh, isn’t he just the most beautiful lil baby boy! Cute sweater too! 😉
Adorable…as usual. I like the first picture the best…I love the lighting in it. Looks like a magazine picture.