Down Memory Lane

Well, it’s May now. My 1-year bloggiversary is coming up at the end of the month – yay! A post at Crochetville asking about the first time we used a pattern prompted a scramble through my pile of digital pictures, and it was so darn cute I had to post it on the thread. I’m posting it here again…because it’s my blog, and I can.

crocheted set

Isn’t it cute? Cute and terribly blurry? That sweater fits Max a little snugly for being a 6 month size, don’t you think? The sweater was the first thing I made for serious when I found out I was pregnant…about two years ago. Then the booties, then the little rippleghan barely visible on the left, each with progressively better results.

I said that the sweater was my first project made from a pattern ever, but upon thinking about it I realized that I had made a hat and bootie set the summer before (so 3 years ago) from a pattern. Funny, they were also sized for a 6 month old, but I doubt whether Max’s head is big enough for it yet. RHSS is a baby yarn, right? 😉

So many landmarks…only a year and a half ago, I realized the gross crocheting error I was making that made all of my projects turn out not looking quite as ‘nice’ as the ones I saw other people making…just nine months ago my first crocheting pattern was published in CrochetMe to my intense glee. It was about 6 months ago that I realized another, much smaller technical error that I was making (correcting all of these mistakes has made my crocheting turn out soooooo beautifully that sometimes I just sit there and pet what I’ve made because it’s so purty. :grin:), and of course, it will only be one year this summer since I wrote my first-ever pattern.

Maybe someday soon I’ll get to work with some wool, or even alpaca! 😉

And guess what? Totally random, but apparently I’m Elinor Dashwood…

You scored as Elinor Dashwood. As Marianne’s older sister, Elinor lives at the other end of the emotional spectrum. She rarely reveals her intense feelings and is more concerned with being honest and loyal than having what she deserves. Even though her intentions are pure, she sets herself up for loss by constantly placing other people before her own needs. Overall, Elinor is gentle and rational but is just as capable of radical emotions (despite her withholding them) as her sister.

Which Jane Austen Character are You? (For Females) Long Quiz!!!
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  1. Emy says:

    A trip down memory lane is always great except that I have ripped out my very first knitted top as the sleeves are just too uneven in tension; resulting in one being tighter than the other!

  2. AnnMarie says:

    Would you tell us what those errors were in case we make the same ones and could fix them? (In a new post would be great because I never notice comments since I use Bloglines…..) Or links to them if you wrote about them here. I’ve only been reading for a little while!

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