Huh. How unlike me. But hey, here I am. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year! And while we’re at it, happy birthday to me! And Greg. Greg and I have the same birthday, oddly enough, and it was this last week. Among other things, this means that my little greeting graphic to the right there is inaccurate, as I’m now 21. Must deal with that at some point. *makes a list*
Anyway, the long awaited day is here!

It’s done!

That’s right!

Yaaaay! I’m so excited. Eventually this pattern will be available for sale, but at the moment, I haven’t even typed up what I did, much less begun calculations on different sizes, something I have to do before it goes into testing. So it will be a while.
Very pretty
It’s gorgeous! I love the sleeves especially.
The sweater is beeeyoooteeful, and I bow at the altar of you. Great work! It’s gorgeous and looks fantastic on you. Congrats!
love your sweater!!!

sure hope your pattern will include plus sizes for us ample ladies
So, where are you going to wear it to celebrate? Wal Mart? BX? Get your hubby to take you to a real restaraunt and make an occasion of it! Love you!
LOVE IT! So beautiful! You did a terrific job. Can’t wait to buy that pattern! Great work!
Oh thats beautiful! I saw you over at crochetville and had to comment. I love the color you chose and it looks absolutely beautiful on you! Very Nice!
You are both beautiful and very fem. I really appreciate the detail in the collar, sleeves and botton. Gret Job. I would buy the pattern so remember us small ones. Unfortunately, that includes the bust.
looks fab melissa! i wish i was 21 again, those 10 years have floooowwwwn by.
That is gorgeous. Great design!
Who knew where your interest in art would go? The sweater is wonderful. Do you have a long silky skirt to wear it with? I love the monster feet on you-know-who. your youngest sister put you on my favorites list so I can see what you are doing now. Love
Okay…I NEED this sweater, and my teen daughter says she needs one, as well. I’m just now looking over patterns and trying to choose one for my very first sweater attempt, and I think yours should be it!
SO cute! I hope you can at least get the pattern in your size published soon…I think it would fit a variety of people as is; some like sweaters looser, some more form fitting, etc. [begging]Please???[/begging]
Congrats on the great design!
Looks like a hit already.
Checking up on crochet pattern central, I thinked to CrochetMe and had a lovely surprise to find some new patterns- yours especially! Cool heart cushion which I will certainly be making for my loved one.
Love the sweater and can’t wait for it to be completed. I love that style. It is like a much more advanced and better shaped version of a ‘cocoon’ style sweater I made last year. I also like the stitches yo have used.
It touched my heart to hear of your troubles – so many all at once, poor you! I will pray for your son and hope your great gramps -in- law – whichever way he moves on, does so in peace and surrounded by love. Don’t forget to look after yourself,too. You are a Very Important Person so take care and thank yo so much for sharing your pattern.
Hookiemama, Liverpool , England, UK