Monday Morning Link Party: IV

Good Morning!


Today I’m working on a submission for 101 Crochet One-Skein Wonders. I’m really optimistic about my chances of getting something accepted, as I have often joked that I am a pro at making something unexpectedly awesome out of minimal materials. We’re not supposed to show our project to anyone in case it gets selected, but I think this lovely photo is safe. Can you guess what I’m making? (HINT: IT’S CROCHETED! Hahaha.)

Other than that, things are pretty relaxed around here this week. And do you know why? I am on cloud 9 because in the week since its release, there have been more than 32,000 hits on Crochetvolution. Isn’t that unbelievable?! I am just delighted with the responses it has received, and everyone seems to be (almost) as excited as I am to see how the Winter issue will shape up. I’m already writing for it.

Okay, okay, enough about my projects, let’s check out the links! How about a little owl, for starters?

This little owl from Shoestring Muse was sent out as a gift. Someone’s lucky!

Next, I absolutely love these turtleneck gloves from FutureGirl.

What a smart alternative to pulling your sleeves over your fingers! I could have used these during my years in the marching band. Pull back to expose fingers during songs, pull up to cover fingers in between. (Flute, before you ask. Although I did march with a trombone one year. Trombone: one of the few wind instruments you can actually play wearing mittens.)

Last, let’s take a peek at this Waterproof Picnic Blanket from Life on Willowdale.

It’s a magical combination of tarp and quilt, you guys. How great would this be for the beach? Or Shakespeare in the park? Or sitting on the ground outside in places where water on the grass means dew or rain, and not that the sprinklers were on a few minutes ago?

Sigh. Now I want to go find this mythical “Willowdale,” dress my toddlers in long-sleeved plaid shirts and sit outside in the autumn air feeding ducks. But then, I pretty much feel like that every day.

Shall we link?

  • I’d love to see something interesting. It can be something you posted or something you ran across, but please link to the specific post instead of a website.
  • Feel free to link to as many as you like!
  • Have a recipe? A tutorial? A finished project? Philosophy on life? Anything? I’d love to see it.
  • Ads, links to shops, products, giveaways and spam will be deleted.
  • Don’t forget to check out the other links and show everyone some love!

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