A blast from the past

So, as I was going through a box of clutter in my soon-to-be-lamented craft closet, I ran across an old steno pad with some very interesting notes on it. It is, in fact, the pad where I took the notes for the Silly Monkey, Charlie’s baby sweater, the Abominable Baby Slippers, and many, many other projects from the first days of my designing. There’s one, in particular, that I’ve always meant to write up and share – it’s close to my heart as my very first knitting project ever (barring a square in stockinette to learn the stitches and 1/6 of a basketweave scarf that I bound off and tossed because I detested it so).

As I went to write it up this morning, I realized that I don’t know the amount of yarn I used. I don’t know the gauge. I don’t even know the length I worked it to. As it was a gift, I can’t just go measure it, either. Still, I thought I would put the directions I’ve deciphered up here for anyone who wants them before I go back to the heavy lifting.

Crossed-Stitch Scarf

crossed stitch scarf


Worsted weight yarn, Main Color (what do you guys think, 200 yards?) plus small amount Contrast Color

Size 8/5.0mm straight knitting needles

Tapestry Needle


cross 2 RK = Knit into the front of the second stitch on the left needle, do not drop off. Knit into the front of the first (skipped) stitch on the left needle, and allow the first and second stitch to drop off of the needle together.


RS: P1, *cross 2 RK, p1. Repeat from * across.

WS: K1, *p2, k1. Repeat from * across.


Cast on 28.

Knit all stitches across for 4 rows.

Beginning with a WS row, work in patt. for 6 repetitions (12 rows) ending after a RS row.

Knit across for 4 rows.

Beginning with a WS row, work in patt. for 5 repetitions (10 rows) ending after a RS row.

Knit across for 4 rows.

Beginning with a WS row, work in patt. until total length measures 43″ (OR until total length measures desired length minus the length of the garter-stitch-enclosed section), ending after a RS row.

Knit across for 4 rows.

Beginning with a WS row, work in patt. for 5 repetitions (10 rows) ending after a RS row.

Knit across for 4 rows.

Beginning with a WS row, work in patt. for 6 repetitions (12 rows) ending after a RS row.

Knit across for 4 rows, bind off and weave in ends.

crossed stitch detail close-up

To Finish:

1) With contrasting color, make cross stitches across garter row sections (except for the ones at the very ends) as pictured. (This link should help if you don’t know how. Let me know if it goes dead, ok?)

2) With main color held double on your tapestry needle,  gather the ribs in the section between the cross-stitches as per the diagram.

crossed stitch scarf smocking diagram

So there you go! I hope you like it. I’m happy it’s not loitering any more. Speaking of loitering, I’d better quit doing that, myself, and get on the ball. Later!


  1. Abi says:

    That is such a cute scarf. Looks a little too complicated for me with the crossing of stitches. It’s good that you took a picture of it. I make things for other people and I forget to take pictures of them. Oh well.

  2. Liz says:

    Hi! You’ve been making really cute stuff lately! Grats on that even though I bet preparing for the move is stressful. Best of luck with that :)

    Also! If you get the time, I tagged you for the 7 Facts Meme.

    Hope all is going well! ~ Liz

  3. Christina Oberman says:

    Great scarf. Ideal for gifts. I also like the fact it uses a small amount of yarn and since I’m into immediate gratification, it can be made up so quickly. Thanks for sharing.

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