Mysteries Revealed

Hurrah! Look what I got in the mail today!

interweave (1)

But…not because I ordered it. Look closely:

interweave (2)

Kim offered me the essay back in December when there was all the high-kicking (*waits as sighs of relief subside from the previously puzzled and slightly concerned readers*) and I seized the opportunity. I wrote it, they printed it;

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…it’s beautiful. I even got a plug for my site in Interweave Crochet.


Now, especially for this momentous occasion, I’ve added a new article to ICC: Technical Tips for Lefties. (It goes along with my essay, I guess.) I hope the lefties (or leftie-mentors) out there find it helpful.

Please excuse me while I go back to fondling my magazine.

*Edit* I forgot to mention that Kim sent me a very nice note along with it. I think she is a wonderful person, and I hope this new venture makes her a very comfortable hundred-thousandaire, well able to pursue whatever she likes.


  1. Kim says:

    Hee! I’m so glad you’re happy with it, Melissa. I’m not gettin’ rich, but I’m really happy to be working on the magazine. :)

  2. mom says:

    That’s my girl! One of 4 all of whom learned at my clumsy hands. (oh, for kim, it’s lots more fun spending money you had fun making, than that you had to earn – have fun)

  3. Meg says:

    I just got my copy today, and was happy to hear about a fellow lefty! I sat opposite a righty when I learned and now that I think about it I’m surprised I didn’t learn weird. Now my only problem is remembering to draw schematics backwards so the righties understand!

  4. Abi says:

    That is WICKED AWESOME!!! I need to find me a magazine now before they all sell out. Are you still fondling your magazine?? You make me laugh.

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