Beanstalk up the Stairs

We have a staircase down to the basement that’s not really good for much (as far as decorating goes). On the week you’re doing Jack and the Beanstalk, though? It’s perfect.

That's a great beanstalk.

This beanstalk was made with 50 sheets of green paper, some tape, and a lot of giggling. It’s an example of the whole transcending its component parts: the stem is just sloppy rectangles taped together along the handrail. The leaves are only vaguely leaf-shaped. The vine tendrils are spirals cut out of the scraps left over from the leaves. But all together, on the wall, you have magic.

After we were finished I still had some energy left, so I took pictures of each child in the most active pose I could coax out of them. I erased the background on the computer, printed them off, cut them out, and then:

They're climbing the beanstalk!

four little hooligans climbed the beanstalk. How much fun is that?! Not bad for five dollars of green paper and some tape, right?


  1. Mom says:

    Quick! While it’s fresh in their heads – plant some pole beans at the base of the deck. They grow so fast you can literally almost (interesting phrase ) see it and fresh green beans will spoil you for canned or frozen in a heart beat.

  2. moni says:

    This is sooo cute! I wish I had a staircase to do this we planted the beans and the kids really got into that but this is such an awsome idea.

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