Earlier this month I was surprised and delighted to learn that I had been given a One Lovely Blog Award by Joy of Tomorrow’s Memories. Thank you, Joy!

The rule for accepting the award are as follows:
- Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and their blog link.
- Pass the award on to 10 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered.
- Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
I don’t really have a lot of “newly discovered” blogs (I find new blogs slowly and haphazardly) but I’ll try and give you a list of the blogs that brighten my day.
1. What a Yarn! – This is my little sister’s blog. Love her!
2. The Boy Trifecta – I just discovered this blog recently, and I love all the little boy projects and stories she shares.
3. I Am Momma Hear Me Roar – Again, a recent discovery. Another mother of boys!
4. Easy Makes Me Happy – It’s bright, colorful, and cheerful. I like it.
5. Random Meanderings – Bezzie keeps it real with brownies, knitting, pot gardening and the stuff that goes down in her life.
6. Nesting Place – it’s a breath of beautiful without the pressure. I aspire to someday have a beautiful-but-not-perfect home, too.
7. Made – I love it. She does a lot of sewing for her adorable children.
8. Planet June – If you haven’t encountered June’s crocheting before, you’re in for a treat!
9. Frugal Family Fun – This blog is just packed with fun, cheap ideas for activities with small children.
10. Weathertop Farm – She doesn’t update often, but the pictures she posts of lambs and kids and life on their farm keeps me coming back.
I hope you like them! You know, I was surprised to get the message from Joy; I didn’t know she read my blog! I wish I knew more about the people who read here. Who are you? Do you have a blog or a website? Leave me a comment and I’ll go see your site or blog – I want to get to know you better.
I have been a slacker the last week or so, but my blog is linked. That is something I love about blogging; you get to know people and see what is going on in their little corner of the world.
I am still trying to get into the swing of the blog thing; it’s pretty new to me.
Congratulations on the award…what a nice surprise to get!
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Awww! Thanks!!! I’ll have to pass it along!
I probably don’t show up as a ‘subscriber’ because I put you in my RSS feeds in my mail program, but that way I don’t miss anything! I’m collecting knitting patterns, and one of these days I’ll be inspired more than frightened and pick up the needles again (though I’m quite sure holding one under my arm while using both hands to ‘knit’ around the other needle might be picture-worthy for some good laughs!)
MoonBell recently posted..Museum Pieces
Thanks so much for the sweet award. I’m so glad you found some boy projects to try. Have a great day!
Thank you SO much for the award, Melissa!! You totally made my day!!! xoxo