Well, I’ve been talking to crocheters around the internet about my upcoming webzine, Crochetvolution (you remember, I announced it a couple of weeks ago?) and I’ve made an addition to the planned publication that I’m really excited about.
If you’re an independent crochet designer and you sell your own patters, you can submit a design that has not yet been published to be featured in the the Premium Pattern Catalog. The designs in the Premium Pattern Catalog will be available to purchase directly from their designers (on their own sites), I’m just collecting them to showcase great crochet design for the readers! If you’re interested in being featured in the Premium Pattern Catalog, you can find the submission guidelines here!
And, just a reminder, if you’re interested in contributing patterns or articles to the Fall issue you can find those guidelines here!
Also, I’m hoping to feature photos from crocheters of their beautiful work. If you’ve made something you think is worth bragging about, why not submit a photo to the Crochet Showcase? We’d love to see it!
Submissions are due May 1st, so you’ve still got about two months to create something.
Not a crocheter but I can’t wait for the unveiling!
Hopefully there will be a lot of great eye candy for everyone!