Just Some Finishing Left

So, I logged on and realized that, once again, I haven’t blogged for nearly a month (although for once, I had more than enough to blog about). I deleted a record number of spam comments in a variety of languages – even some jokes – and now I have something to show off. Just a couple of projects I’ve been working on all year … now they’re almost finished.

And, not to brag, but I think they’re some of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen.

Here's my sweet little Baby A.
And his little brother, Baby B.

Our twins arrived this week, more than a month before their due date. I don’t even have blog pseudonyms picked out for them yet! (Despite that, both of them weighed 5 pounds and change at their birth. We are all impressed.) They only need a little bit of finishing up before they’re ready to come home with us – probably about two weeks in the hospital – and then we will be on our way back home.

Max and Charlie are over the moon.


I’ll try not to wait so long for the next post, this time.


  1. Bezzie says:

    EEEE!!!!! I knew when I saw your blog was updated in my reader that this would be “the” post!!! Congrats!! They’re adorable!!! Ha ha! They already look like their big brothers!

  2. Abi says:

    They are so stinking cute!! Congratulations!! I just love newborns. I really want a boy, I have all girls. But I love girls too. Haha. So sweet, can’t wait to see all the clothes you made for them on them!

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