Why haven’t I been blogging? Here is a clue.

Place your guesses in the comment section. Partial credit available (first partially correct answer wins the pattern of their choice). First complete correct answer is eligible to receive a free Toy Bundle! Please make a note if you would not like to receive the patterns, since I know that not everyone who reads this blog crochets…(fine print: make sure you leave a functional email address in the email field so I can contact you if you win.)
 Mom, no fair helping.
There’s a potential correct guess other than “you’re pregnant”? Congratulations!
I’m guessing kittens or puppies, however no offense is meant if I’m way of base! Hmm, or kidney stones… I’m hoping for fluffy babies, but I don’t think I get to have any say, haha! Hope 2 guesses are ok!
congratulations if that’s a sonogram. lot’s of good crocheting ahead!
You are pregnant with twins and are feeling tired and overwhelmed and are just getting over the shock?
Finally a girl!!! WOOT!!!!! (Although I’d be excited if it was a boy myself…;-))
Just make sure you get all of his/her papers in order when you finally leave Japan. Little Bro had my niece when they were stationed by the AF in Okinawa. When they were finally PCSed it was a royal PITA getting her out of there even though she WAS an American citizen.
Looks like twins to me. Eep! and Congratulations.
It’s a baby! Maybe two. My neighbor has twins – a boy and a girl – instant family. They are such a hoot.
Hi, I tried 2x to comment yesterday and I guess I am trying again today. I say it’s a multiple birth, triplets, twins at the very least. Congrats My friend had 3 girls they are 14yrs old now and great friends.
I’m guessing you are pregnant?? It looks like two tiny babies. Hmmm?