As it happens, I have more jewelry I’ve made that I haven’t shown yet:

It’s more of an artistic shot (I’m feeling a bit philosophical today), and as you can see, I’m edging into bracelets! Very exciting. I actually decided to share these today because I was reminiscing a bit. I remember when I was a teenager it was a daydream of mine to have a little treasure chest, filled with loose semiprecious stones. I like diamonds well enough, but they’re a little cold. Give me jade, obsidian, amber, turquoise – something warm and colorful – any day.
Now I have my little treasure chest, with carnelian and amethyst, pearls and jade, tiger’s eye and agate tucked inside. (All surprisingly affordable.) The natural stones are beautiful and earthy, and I love them as much as I imagined I would. Mom – remember the lunchbox full of rocks that a certain sister of mine and I gathered from neighbor’s flowerbeds and hotel landscaping? Yeah, I’ve come a long way from that. (Hey – did you throw those out?!?)
Honey, there is one thing I’ve learned about being a mother of fledlings – clean the nest! If it ain’t nailed down it’s going out! I do like the leafy ear rings. Looks like you’re having fun. Sold any yet? Mom