It’s Birthday Chain Day!

Today we’re making a paper chain to Max’s birthday! (We make paper chains for everything around here.)

Nothing says birthdays like a Phillipine Eagle mask!

Not because I have a deep and abiding love of brightly colored paper chains (although, I suppose I do). But because Max’s birthday is in a month and he has asked me almost every single day for a week if it’s almost his birthday. The chain is a visible, measurable representation of the time left. If the chain is long, there’s a long time left. As it gets shorter, he knows it’s getting closer. And if there’s even a single link left, he knows that it’s not his birthday yet.

In the past we haven’t done too much in the way of cool birthday parties. (Although last year I made Max an awesome cake, and when he turned two – right before Charlie was born – we threw him an all-out party and I made him what is possibly the coolest cake ever). But for once I’m not preparing for a move, or pregnant with twins, or dealing with a deployment, so Greg and I looked at each other and said – “Hey, do you wanna throw a party?”

I started feeling the topic out with Max. After a few crazy ideas (including but not limited to a “MotoGP Lego Car Factory” party) we settled on an Agent P party. (Yes, he’s still obsessed with Perry the Platypus.)

I’m really warming to the challenge. There’s not a lot of pre-made “Perry the Platypus” themed party supplies out there. (Plus, you know that buying a “theme package” is not my style at all!) I’ve been brainstorming for two days, and so far I have a few ideas.

First of all, there will be a Perry the Platypus cake. OBVIOUSLY.

Hey, where's Perry?

(Perry the Platypus cake tutorial via Dabbled)

Although I think I’ll make mine a bit differently. Cute, right?!

Now, Perry’s no fun without Dr. Doofenshmirtz to defeat, so we’re going to incorporate a lot of his wacky “-inators” into the party. Like for instance, we’re going to decorate our water cooler with a spigot to be a “Drink Dispensinator” and I think we’re going to pass out water guns to be “Water Spray-inators.” Also, I’m planning on making a paper bag piñata.

Spiderman, spiderman!

(Paper Bag Pinata via Infarrantly Creative)

I’m going to make it another “-inator,” maybe a Toy-Away-inator – I’m not sure. The kids will have to “defeat it” to save the day, and of course inside will be some toys and party favors. (We’re trying to make this a low-candy party.)

When we were at Michael’s the other day, I saw some brown foam fedoras that would make perfect secret agent hats.

Secret Agents!

They’re $4 apiece online (and I think that’s how much they were in Michael’s, too) but at least in Michael’s I can use coupons to get that number lower. We’re only having a few kids over, and I think that secret agent hats are the one thing I really do want to buy for the kids.


If I can find some nice big pieces of cardboard I’m going to make photo props (where you stick your face through for pictures) of Perry and Doofenshmirtz and maybe some other characters like Peter the Panda and Major Monogram.

The other thing I know for sure I want to make is a balloon banner.

Balloons all over!

(Balloon Banner DIY via Design Mom)

I’m thinking turquoise and orange, like Perry. This is going to be fun!

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