I’ll bet that you thought that after the Perry-colored balloons, and the Agent P party games, and finally the Perry the Platypus cake, that there couldn’t possibly be any more platypus type party things for me to blog about.
You would be wrong.
This incredibly adorable platypus was my super-top-secret handmade by Mom birthday surprise for Max. I had to crochet it late at night after he had gone to sleep and early in the wee hours of the morning before he woke up. Seven year olds are no joke, you guys, and he’s getting sharp. I knew that if he saw so much as a scrap of aqua yarn that the jig would be up. Also, because of all the other things I was doing, I didn’t start it until about three days before his party. I was majorly sleep deprived – I think I stayed up until 2 am the night before to get it done.
It was so worth it.
He loves that platypus. He has slept with his platypus every night, and hugs it often through the day (making the little “grr-grr-grr” platypus noise). Perry has made his way up to the table, onto the sofa during movie time, and during the day Max takes him down off of his bed so Perry can hang out with the other stuffed animals. It’s too cute, you guys.
Oh, also? I totally wrote up the pattern. Go over there, get a copy, and get crocheting.
After all, Perry can’t help you. He’s just a platypus. They don’t do much.
Ha ha! Very cute!
I love this!!! And my daughter’s birthday is a month away, so I still have time to make it.
Thank you!!
Good morning! First – Thank you so much for this pattern..we are doing a very short Disney trip and I am making this as a surprise! I am don’t crochet very much so I am having a little trouble on just one part….The bill-I understand chain 30 connect and sc so 30…my question is with the sc dec 3 times and sc 9 times: does that mean sc dec 3 times at the beginning right in a row? then 9 sc ? If you can offer any guidance..I realize this is an older post so no worries.
Yes, that does mean decrease three times in a row. (That helps pull in the edge.) Hope this helps!
Was this hard to make? I am just learning how to crochet, and wanted to attempt this project for my son. I love this show, and wanted to make one. I still have a hard time with reading patterns, but for the most part I understand it. Do you possibly have any tips to make that would help me become better at reading patterns?
If you want to become better at reading patterns, the best thing to do is to practice reading them! Pattern language is like a code, and as you read it more and more your brain gets faster at decoding it.
I am getting better at the easy ones..but the harder ones is where I am still kind of a blur. I read them and then re read them…still not sticking quite yet..I wish that I had somebody local to me that does crochet that could help me. Everybody I know are in different states. I will keep trying, thank you for the advice.
This is so awesome! I think my 3 yo will be getting one of these courtesy of grandma! Thanks for the free pattern!
I’m glad you like him, and I’m sure it will be a very popular gift. 😀
Do not you have for sale?
No, I do not sell them. Sorry!
oww:(, okay thanks!
Thank you very much for the pattern!!!
You’re welcome!
I have been looking for ur sweater pattern for awhile now and was so happy to have found it. Not sure where I got the first photo but ty ty ty. This is going to be my first one .