Well. I’ve finished specifying thumbnails for all of the posts. It was very interesting (for me, at least) to go back through more than five years (!) of writing. I’ve changed a lot, and a lot has happened in the past five years – some things that I’d forgotten about. I apologize to those of you that subscribe to the blog’s feed (I know some of your are out there! I see you on my stat counter) if my manually updating more than 400 posts made them all come up again. Really, I don’t know how RSS works. I guess I ought to spend some time figuring that out. Could anyone who’s subscribed to the feed lend their perspective? Did you see hundreds of posts this week?
At any rate, I’ve added a few new widgets and plugins and thumbnail doodads to the blog; I think they’re pretty cool, myself. Please note the recent posts in the right sidebar, and the list of most commented posts. In (what I think is) a very exciting development, you should be able to subscribe to comments when you leave one – so if there are follow-up comments you will be notified via email. I am so, so pleased about this. I love the comments I get here on the blog. I really, really, treasure and appreciate them. It makes it feel like what I am doing has some impact on the people who read it. But (and if you’ve commented here before, you’ll know) I am terrible about responding. Every now and again I’ll shoot off an email, but usually I just don’t get around to it. I’m hoping it’ll prove easier for me to post a comment in reply as long as I’m already here on the blog, writing and moderating. We’ll see.
I’m also trying out something new called CommentLuv. It’s supposed to provide a worthwhile link back to your url (as opposed to a donotfollow) and post a small excerpt of your most recent post in the comment section, to entice other readers to come visit you. Just check the box at the bottom to try it out.
Well! That is probably not as exciting to you as it is to me, but I’d really appreciate it if you would try out the new features for me. Do they work? Do you like them? What do you think?
Melissa, I read your blog through Google Reader, but did not have the edited posts show back up (thankfully. That would have been quite a surprise!).
Don’t worry, I didn’t see any reposts in your feed this week! The new features look great too

June (planetjune) recently posted..Cactus Collection crochet patterns
I haven’t noticed a bunch of blog posts coming up in my feed this week, and I was all caught up as of last night. So I guess you were successful?
Sweet! I’ve always wondered if editing my posts made them pop up again.
…I guess I could have asked, you know, some time in the last five years!