Look what I made yesterday!

Yeah! That’s right. It’s a sheep!

I don’t suppose I should be that proud of myself – it’s only about five inches long, if that, but it’s the first time I’ve done anything for Noah’s Ark in…months? Which is good. Because my baby boy’s birthday is in two weeks. It’s all right, though, the situation is under control: all I have left to do is another sheep, another giraffe, two monkeys, a dove, and design an ark tote-bag. I can do that in two weeks, right?



  1. Linda says:

    Be very proud! I’ve been working steadily on this project for the past three weeks, and expect to be finished (HAVE to be finished) by tomorrow.
    Two weeks is definitely doable!

  2. Kimberly says:

    Two weeks – a cinch! You’ll have it done in plenty of time! Why are you reading your comments??? Should you not be working on your monkeys??? What are you doing?? Get to it!! Chop chop!! :mrgreen:

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